EFSM Zoom Meeting, July 7th, 2020, 19:00

1. Pierluigi Tos - call to order


  • Alex Muset
  • A. Georgescu
  • Pierluigi Tos
  • Jaume Masia
  • Alberto Ballestin
  • Henk Giele
  • Tackin Ozalp
  • Sinika Suominen (replacing Erkki Tukiainen)
  • Jean-Noel Goubier
  • Efterpi Demiri
  • Marko Bumbasirevic
  • Ann-Charlott Docherty skogh

2. Alex Muset - WSRM Congress 2021

Because of the epidemiological situation due o Covid, the WSRM Congress was postponed to 2022. In this situation will be any problem to organize the EFSM Congress in 2021. All agreed.

3. Alexandru Georgescu - EFSM Congress Cluj-Napoca

Due to the epidemiological situation, it will be not possible to organize the EFSM Congress in October. The new schedule for the Congress will be the end of June 2021. If that time still will be not possible to have the congress, there are some other alternatives:

  • To postpone the date to September 2021
  • To have a hybrid congress - face-to-face and on-line
  • To have just an on-line congress

The final decision will depend to the epidemiological situation next year. All agreed.

4. Pierluigi Tos - EFSM Congress Milan 2022. All agreed that will be better to maintain the already scheduled date for the Milan congress.

5. Alex Muset - proposed Sinikka Suominen as the next EFSM General Secretary.

All agreed with this proposal, but Alexandru Georgescu mentioned that, according to the EFSM Bylaws, the General Secretary should be elected from the members of the EFSM Council (ExCo+Delegeates). So, before to be accepted this proposal, Sinikka Suominen should become the delegate of the Finish Society. All agreed that if in the next Meeting of the Finish Society Sinikka Suominen will be nominated as delegate, the proposal for the next General Secretary will remain this one.

The meeting was adjourned at 20:30..